February 2, 2018


Nowadays, it’s all about how many likes your posts receive on social media. Whether the page is your personal account or it’s a page you manage for work, likes are in. The challenge?  It is difficult to get likes and you don’t want to pay people to like it for you. Let us break it down.


1.The Basics
– The Purpose – If you’re posting a photo, what’s the occasion? Is it an anniversary? Is it a holiday? Make sure to capture something unique, pair it with an intriguing caption and that will likely increase the number of people liking your posts.
–  Time of Day – Based on your target audience, post accordingly. If school is out and you want teenagers to see the post, post it between the afternoon and midnight. Those are the times when they are most active online. Try not to post anything too early or too late when most people will be asleep and it could get lost in the feed.

  1. The Hashtags
    – #whatisahashtag – Always include a hashtag related to your post as this allows people to search for certain key words and your post can be viewed by anyone who has searched that hashtag. For example, if you post a photo about food, include hashtags such as #food, #foodie and #foodlover – which are popular tags that get visited daily.
    – #dontoverdoit – Man, do people hate when hashtags are used excessively. That is one of the most popular pet peeves in addition to posts with unrelated hashtags.  Stick to a limit of two hashtags that are tied to your post or caption.
  2. The Tagging/Checking In
    – Tag – Tagging is acceptableis when you tag your friends or people you know and who are in the photo you’re posting. Not only will it give your account an authentic feel because people will know you’re real, but it will also encourage your friends to like the photo.
    – Checking In –Check-in on social media at the fun locations wherever you go. Not only does it help them receive new page visits by your followers but it also helps your photos get viewed by anyone who searches the location.

Don’t pay people to like your photos, just post good content.